Coppery Titi - Petrofer Animal Spnsorship at Basel Zoo
Foto © Zoo Basel
For several years now, Petrofer has been an animal sponsor of the Basel Zoo. The Basel Zoo plays an important role in the conservation of endangered species. Since 2023 Petrofer supports the coppery titi. You can find more information on our connection with the Basel Zoo Animal Sponsorship.
The coppery titi is a small representative of the new world monkeys. coppery titis are diurnal animals. They live as tree dwellers in tropical forests rich in undergrowth. However, they also inhabit secondary forests and go up to 1'000 meters altitude. Only rarely do coppery titis come down to the ground, more often they stay in the shrub layer and at low heights. They live in pairs or in families with one or two young. The pair bond is very close and can last a lifetime. When resting, they sit snuggled close and wrap their tails around each other.
One young is born after a gestation period of about 136 days; twins are rare. The newborn is carried from the first day by both parents on the back. After a few days the young is carried only by the father, the mother still takes over for nursing. The change of the carrier is triggered by the young animal, it lets quiet begging calls resound, whereupon the mother takes it to itself. By crying, the father is asked again to take over the baby. After about 50-60 days the young begin to climb alone in the branches and still come to suckle to the mother or in case of danger to the father. If another young is born, the older sibling participates in carrying it.
Coppery titi are territorial animals, the territories hardly overlap. With morning duet songs of both partners foreign animals are pointed out to the own territory, but if necessary it can also come to aggressive fights.